martes, 3 de febrero de 2015

Sick vol. 1

Disclaimer: "Geek Stink Breath" es propiedad de Green Day (Billie Joe Armstrong, Michael Pritchard, Frank Edwin Wright III). Solo he cambiado la letra por una que yo escribí, esto es sin fines de lucro y solo por recreación.

Disclaimer: "Geek Stink Breath" is property of Green Day (Billie Joe Armstrong, Michael Pritchard, Frank Edwin Wright III) I've only changed the lyrics for ones I wrote, this has is a non-profit purpose and has been made only for recreation.

Canción: Sick vol. 1 (Basada en "Geek Stink Breath" de Green Day/Based upon Green Day's "Geek Stink Breath")

Slow motion
almost flash-stepping
Broken fingers rising in the shape

Clasping eyebrows
Tongue's half hanging and
doubts in party hard all day

I wanna go
No self-control
My eyes going crazy, almost insanity
Rope is ready for necks, just a jump from a chair and my troubles are gonna fade

Scattered letters
postcards are shitty
Just like your words a while ago

Trojan, worms and
firewall's out of fire
Now it seems I'm without protection

Viene el coro, un intervalo musical y continua...

3D picture
Outcast out of vision
Black and white movie based on my life

A cancellation
leading to a treasure
while the madness blossoms in my mind

Final chorus:
Already gone
Fucked self-control
White and soft plushies blocking contact with walls

Just a brick in the wall
Piercing shout in my throat
Pale and cold lying on the floor...


Grenade Heart

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